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HomeLifestyleProtest emerge against visa waiver for countries unwilling to reciprocate

Protest emerge against visa waiver for countries unwilling to reciprocate

The announcement that Zambia has gone ahead to implement the visa waivers for 17 countries that include the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and many other ciuntries who are not willing to reciprocate and waive visa requirements for Zambians willing to travel to their countries continue to be questioned with a lone protest by a woman who stripped half naked and later chained herself to the freedom statue to symbolise loss of freedom by Zambia.

Later, Police in Lusaka confirmed that they have charged a woman identified as Dorcas Nachibona of Emmasdale Site and Service who was found chained to a fence at the Freedom Statue in protest for the issuing of visa waivers to countries not willing to waive visa requirements for Zambians, an act seen as desperate and meant to please foreign countries that dont seem to care to reciprocate.

According to an earlier report by Police deputy spokesperson Danny Mwale, Nachibona was found half – naked and chained to a tree at Freedom statue in the early hours of 7th Wednesday, November 2022 in a drunken state. A report which has been described as an attempt to divert public attention from the real reasons behind the protest.

Mwale in his earlier report stated that “when interviewed, Ms Nachibona disclosed that she was drinking the whole night with her female friend who she cannot identify”.

But in a recent update report, Police deputy spokesperson Danny Mwale said after viewing the Closed-circuit Television (CCTV) at our Command Center, Dorcas was seen placing a placard at the Freedom Statue, chaining herself and hiding the keys in her pant.

Mwale narrated that while seated, she was seen drinking from a bottle which seemed to be that of alcoholic beverage.

“She has been charged with the offence of Idle and Disorderly contrary to Section 178 (f) of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia. She remains in Police custody awaiting court appearance.” He said.

“We found her under the influence of seemingly I don’t know if it is drug or bear and according to her she is protesting and when we talked to her she was in a drunken state so we have charged her and she will talk whilst in court”

Mwale told the Zambian Business Times – ZBT – that the moment they established that she chained herself they decided to charge her adding that she will speak in court.

The issue of waiving visas for countries unwilling to reciprocate has raised questions on what the real motives are. Even if Zambia is desperate in attracting more tourist arrivals, what sort of tourists will the removal of palty visa entry fees change? has a full security impact being done and has all points of entry been digitised to ensure that all entrants are captured and monitored?

Demands have continued as to whether it is morally, intellectually or socially right for Zambia to proceed with the waiver of visa requirements for citizens of foreigh countries – non from Africa – that are unwilling to reciprocate this gesture and continue subjecting Zambian citizens wishing to visit their countries to stringent and exorbitant visa fees.

In an effort to jump start and exponentially grow its tourist arrivals, government officials have announced the waiving of visa requirements for about 17 countries deemed to be the highest source countries for its international tourist arrivals.

Minister of Home Affairs Jack Mwiimbu confirmed at a media briefing that Zambia has waived visa for 17 countries that include, the United Kingdom – UK, United States of America – USA, Canada, Norway, Australia and New Zealand. Others countries are, China, Japan, South Korea, the Gulf States, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – UAE.