Part 1
A shocking number of 101 members of parliament – MPs have failed to declared their assets and liabilities, contrary to the Constitution that requires all public office holders to do the same before assuming or leaving office.
Article 263 of the Zambian Constitution, Act No. 2 of 2016 requires that all persons holding public office declare their assets and liabilities before assuming or leaving office in the register submitted to the Office of the Chief Justice.
This has come to light following an investigation by the Zambian Business Times – ZBT that has revealed that only 57 out of a maximum number of 158 members of parliament have so far declared their assets and liabilities pursuant of the Zambian Constitution.
The constitutional requirement for public office holders to declare their assets and liabilities is globally considered as best practice as it has a big role to play in the transparent and equitable management of public resources and is key for anti-corruption and anti-money laundering prevention.
Following the August 12 general election, 158 members of parliament were sworn into office in a UPND-led government promising to tackle corruption and abide by the rule of law. This area of public declaration of assets and liabilities is ideally supposed to be treated as key to running a corrupt free government.
But an analysis of the Annual Declaration of Assets, Liabilities and Income by Members of Parliament and Other Officers by ZBT has revealed that only 57 members of parliament out of 158 have so far disclosed their total asset and liabilities, representing a paltry 36 per cent of the total National Assembly members.
The Speaker of the National Assembly, Nelly Mutti and Vice-President, Mutale Nalumango, have led the way and declared their assets and liabilities, with the Speaker declaring the highest asset net worth so far of a staggering K380 million, while the leader of government business and Veep has declared an impressive K18.2 million in total assets.
Meanwhile, Chawama PF member of parliament Tasila Lungu is among the few MPs from the opposition Patriotic Front – PF party who timely declared her assets and liabilities, with a total asset value of K6.16 million, which includes ownership of 7,250 ordinary shares in Kariba Crocodile & Fish Limited among other assets.
Watch out for part 2 on the MPs with the highest net-worth