The National Biosafety Authority – NBA says it will not revoke licenses that it recently granted to the four companies to import products that may contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
The comment comes after concerns from the public stating that the Authority must revoke permits granted to Gatbro Distributors, Pick n Pay, Southern National Import and Export Limited and Choppies Super Stores market saying GMO products are still a risk for human consumption and that Zambia has limited technology and scientific equipment to independently test these foods containing GMOs.
The farming community had also raised concerns that the food in Zambia should be kept organic, arguing that these foods containing GMOs can be grown locally avoiding the export of jobs to other countries. The imported GMO foods should instead be supported for local organic and non GMO production, they urged.
But the NBA Chief Executive Officer Lackson Tonga has told the Zambian Business Times in an interview that the issuance of permits was done after risk assessment was conducted on the products that may contain GMOs and were found to be safe for human consumption.
He said people should take time to read the provisions of the act and understand what applies when an application has been submitted to avoid being misled. Tonga said the authority has scientific provisions in the risk assessment and it checks for the completeness of the application before a permit is granted.
“We also base our decisions on trying to find out if the applicant has any history where it abrogated some provisions of the act and if the applicant meets the scientific requirements, then we can be able to make an informed decision” he said.
He added that in cases where the applicant does not meet the required standards and method of formation, the authority rejects the application and does not grant a permit until it is satisfied with what has been provided.
“The permits that we grant are in two types, one is under the SI 32 of 2019 where we grant for import which is for a 5 year period, while we have another permit for placing on the market which is 6 months,” he said. Tonga further explained that smuggling challenges may occur in the importation the products and has assured that the authority will put in measure to alert and sensitize the public.