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HomeLifestyleLecturers to blame for increasing sex for grades cases

Lecturers to blame for increasing sex for grades cases

The World Youth and Leadership Foundation – WYLF, says lecturers are to blame for the increasing sex for grades cases in higher learning institutions because as parent figures, they are supposed to be guiding students in learning institutions.

There has been growing sexual harassment cases in higher learning institutions of which the common one have been prominent lecturers from some of the biggest higher learning institution like CBU demanding sex in exchange for grades.

According to a case study by the University of Zambia on the University Students’ Perspective of Sexual Harassment, there were significantly more female students who perceived a lot of sexual harassment to be occurring at UNZA.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Zambian Business Times -ZBT, WYLF organization Director Nalishebo Nyambe, however, said When a student offers themselves or themselves for sex in exchange for grades, lecturers are supposed to exercise their professionalism by recognizing that the child is getting out of hand.

Nyambe said there is a serious need for lecturers to be disciplined and understand their roles and responsibilities in learning institutions.

He said It is unacceptable when a student offers themselves for sex, and the lecturer accepts.

“When a student offers herself or himself for sex in exchange for grades, as a parent you first have to recognize that the child is getting out of hand and quickly be able to control yourself and help the child by not accepting the offer. The lecturers need to be disciplined and understand their roles and responsibilities as parents in learning institutions. When you are offered something you have to remind yourself of the principles,” he said.

“It will be very unfair if a student offers themselves for sex in exchange for grades and the lecturer accepts. We stand with the students because when parents send their children to school, lecturers are supposed to behave as parents. They are the ones to guide the students on the right path. I’m blaming the lecturers because they are parents who are supposed to be guiding students in learning institutions. Lecturers are supposed to be disciplined to understand that they are the parents in learning institutions,” said Nyambe.

Nyambe however noted that students also need to understand that they go to school for self-development and not for sexual and illicit activities.

He therefore encouraged students to be disciplined and focused on education and advised lecturers to embrace professionalism.

He noted that most students do not disclose sexual harassment cases to relevant authorities for fear of being victimized by their peers or their partners which makes it hard for institutions to punish offenders.

He said in cases where harassment issues are brought out, Learning institutions must be willing to dismiss offenders involved in offering grades for sex and vice versa.

He noted that if offenders found wanting are not dismissed and punished according to the law, it escalates more of related offenses.

Nyambe also urged the government to implement stiff punishments to deter would-be offenders.