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HomeTechImplementation of access to information act key for Zambia – IMF

Implementation of access to information act key for Zambia – IMF

The International Monetary Fund – IMF who are currently extending an augmented $1.7 billion credit facility to the country has strongly urged the Zambian government to fully implement the Freedom of Information Act as well as improve on transparency in the mining and energy sectors.

According to the IMF mission report after the third review availed to the Zambian Business Times – ZBT , the Zambian authorities has met most of the benchmarks set.  The IMF stated that ” the program performance has been satisfactory and that all quantitative performance criteria for the third review were met, and all but one structural conditionalities were completed”.

The IMF stated that “Implementing the Access-to-Information Act, reviewing the Anti- Corruption Act in a timely manner, and enhancing transparency and governance in the energy and mining sectors will help reduce policy uncertainty, improve the business climate, and attract greater investments.”

On 26 June, 2024, the Executive Board of the IMF completed the third review of Zambia’s 38-month ECF arrangement and approved an augmentation of about US$386 million. Completion of the review allowed for an immediate disbursement of about US$570 million, bringing Zambia’s total disbursement so far under the ECF-supported program to about US$1.1 billion.

The Access to Information Act was signed into law in December 2023 but there has been inertia to fully impliment it. The statutory instrument for the commencement order was only issued near to the IMF review date but the Ministry of information is yet to issue the required procedures and forms for the media and the general public to apply the law.

The Zambian Business Times – ZBT upon signing of the Access to Information Act received information from a whistle blower over the contract award to PC agency by the Zambia Tourism Agency – ZTA. ZBT proceeded to request for the official information and documentation from ZTA who  to-date, are yet to respond and avail requested documentation.

ZBT further proceeded to escalate and appeal the decision by ZTA to withhold response and requested documents to the Human Rights Commission –  a designated commission for escalation in the Act, but this also proved futile. The same letter was copied to the Minister of Tourism Rodney Sikumba, with all three institutions opting to remain mute despite the serious allegations of impropriety raised.