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HomeCompaniesEIZ MOU with Immigration to promote merit

EIZ MOU with Immigration to promote merit

The Director General of Immigration, Japhet Lishomwa says the Memorandum signed between the Agency and the Engineering Institution of Zambia will help to promote merit in the engineers that are coming to the country. Recently the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) signed a memorandum of understanding MoU with the Department of Immigration which commits the two institutions to work together more closely towards a common goal of ensuring that engineering skills coming into the country are the required skills. Lishomwa explained that as the lead agency in Zambia’s migration management framework, the Department of Immigration is the sole regulator of the entry, stay, and exit of foreign engineering professionals in the country but unfortunately, it is not competent in engineering, and therefore it cannot ascertain whether a person is truly a qualified engineering professional who should be permitted to practice his trade in Zambia or not. Lishomwa added that on the other hand, EIZ is the only institution in Zambia that is mandated to register and license anyone providing engineering services. He said it is from this simplistic delineation of the two institutions’ mandates, that it is contextually clear that the two are indispensable to each other: hence the need to support each other to execute the respective mandates effectively hence the importance of the MoU signed. Lishomwa said for the Department of Immigration, this kind of collaboration is underscored in the national migration policy that calls for a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to effective migration management, leaving no one behind. “While in some professions one can get away with allowing an unqualified or unlicensed individual to engage in the practice of such a profession, we cannot afford to get it wrong in the distinguished engineering profession. This is because the performance of engineering services by unqualified individuals can pose serious dangers to public safety.” Lishomwa further said, “Among other sensitive duties, engineers design, plan, and supervise the construction of buildings and ensure their safety and stability against hazards. Therefore, we shall continue to consult the EIZ on licensing foreign professionals, units, and organizations as part of our permit issuance process.” Speaking during the Signing ceremony EIZ registrar and Chief Executive Officer Eng. David Kamungu said the partnership will help the institution with information on the number of foreign engineering professionals, units, and organizations coming to do engineering work in the country. Kamungu said the MoU will further help EIZ to have a record of engineering professionals coming into the country and what kind of skills they are offering. “EIZ is looking forward to having a long-term relationship with the Department of Immigration to maintain the quality of engineering works by scrutinizing the qualifications of engineering professionals migrating to Zambia to work as engineering professionals.” “This partnership will further allow for effective communication and collaboration between the two institutions. I am confident that through our efforts and commitment, we will be able to achieve more and ensure our engineering professionals continue to benefit through this MoU. Engineer Kamungu also assured that the engineering institution of Zambia will do whatever it can to provide a successful implementation of the MoU.