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HomeLifestyleRequired K2,000 spend per month on face masks unaffordable

Required K2,000 spend per month on face masks unaffordable

The Consumer Unity for Trust Society – CUTS has expressed concern with the increased cost in the purchase of face masks on market which have now reached about K15 to K25 in some retail stores and pharmacies, saying it is unaffordable for some many consumers to spend over K450 (K15 by 30 days) per month (surgical masks are disposable) to keep safe.

The health officials and the covid 19 task force announced that wearing of face masks is mandatory by all citizens especially in public places in order to curb the spread of COVID- 19. This pronouncement has led to an increase in demand of the face masks and a survey conducted by CUTS indicates that a family of 5 would need to spend over K2,000 of masks in order to adhere to the health directive.

Zambia has an average family or household size of 5 people according to official statistics and this simply translates to a required spend on surgical masks said to be the recommended mask of K15 by 5 members of the family by 30 days in a month = K2,250).

CUTS Centre Coordinator Chenai Makumba says most consumers particularly low income earners would not find it possible to spend such an amount on face masks without severely disrupting their household expenditures therefore imperative that solutions be found to this problem at the soonest.

In a statement made available to the Zambian Business Times – ZBT by CUTS Communications Officer Njavwa Simukoko, Makumba said while the wearing of cloth masks has been advised, these masks have been proven to be less effective in spreading the virus than surgical masks, hence has potential to put the entire population at risk.

“We therefore urge government and innovators to take necessary steps to ensure that masks are accessible and affordable for all, especially to low-income earners who are most in need of these masks”.

“Making use of various fiscal measures could assist and in this regard we also urge the Competition and Consumer Protection Commissions – CCPC to increase their monitoring of retailers that are exploiting consumers during this time of need,” She added.

CUTS has also urged manufactures involved in production of face masks to consider placing recommended retail prices on the masks in an effort to deter retailers from charging prices that are too high.