Financial Sector Deepening Zambia – FSDZ Chief Executive Officer Betty Wilkinson said the creative arts industry has potential to be a significant driver of economy. She said this at the 2019 Arts Business Forum which is being commemorated under the theme “Unlocking the Opportunities in the Creative Industries”
At the same function, Arts and Tourism Minister Dr. Charles Banda has called on Zambians to take up arts as a business venture and develop talents into careers as a way of creating jobs in the country.
Speaking when he officiated at the Arts Business Forum at Lusaka’s Government Complex on June 12th 2019, Dr. Banda said the ministry is aware of the changing dynamics that undermine the works of creative entrepreneurs to transform their talents into viable business venture and that it is for this reason that government is working at creating an enabling environment through policies and legislation.
He said the ministry believes that tourism and arts business offer the country a unique competitive advantage, potential to drive increased tourist arrival, lengthen their stay and increase the amount of money spent in the country hence the need to grow the sector.
The minister further noted that initiatives such as the Arts Business Forum should be utilized for engagements on ways to improve the business environment and has urged artists in the country to seize opportunities offered through the potential of arts.
“Our focus is to improve the business environment of the creative sector in Zambia and though these platforms, it is important to strengthen the capacity of our sector and link other business services providers and investment opportunities to the creative sector,” he said.
Speaking at the same, National Arts Council of Zambia Chairperson Patrick Samwimbila said this year’s theme reflects the urgent need by all players to join in identifying the focus areas if the country’s creative industry is to move forward.
Samwimbila further noted the need by artists to create sustainable and viable art businesses in order to enhance the power of arts in Zambia. He said the council will dedicate its efforts to find ways of supporting creative and arts organizations to transform and grow.
“We want to strengthen the link between creative products and services to the rest of the economy such as tourism, manufacturing, services and many more,” he said.