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HomeCompaniesTake a Break from Summer

Take a Break from Summer

Summer, what a wonderful time of year…When influencing gets too much When the news cycle gets too much When the endless queues get too much When the shopping chaos gets too much When the unavailable transport gets too muchWhen the holiday work shifts get too muchWhen the lawn mowing gets too much When the loud music gets too much When the traffic gets too much When the relentless schedule gets too much When the heatwaves get too much When the weather warnings get too much When the suntan lines get too much When the ever-growing laundry pile gets too muchWhen the festivities get too much When the 2025 university applications get too muchWhen the guests overstaying their welcome gets too muchWhen the social media mayhem gets too much When the out of sync robots get too muchWhen the New Year resolutions get too muchWhen the humidity gets too much When the travel expenses get too much When reapplying sunscreen gets too much When the packing and unpacking gets too much When the photo-taking gets too much When the flies get too muchWhen the pool maintenance gets too much When the fully booked airlines get too muchWhen the mosquito bites get too muchWhen the fishing trips get too much When the baking gets too muchWhen the road trip stops get too much When the sand in the car gets too much When the picnic ants get too much When the lumanda and nshima get too muchWhen the braai smoke gets too much When the television shows get too much When the homemade cooking gets too much When the hot car seats get too much When the outdoor football games get too much When the outdoor markets get too much When the air-conditioning bills get too much When the nature hikes get too much When the garden-watering gets too much When the hot sidewalks get too much When the bike rides get too much When the late nights get too much When the impromptu trips get too much When the 4×4 rides get too much When the mini-golf games get too much When the ice cube trays get too much When the late-night crickets get too much When the entertaining gets too muchWhen the bumpy boat rides get too much When the white-water rafting gets too much When the public pool crowds get too much When the lack of parking gets too much When the summer internships get too much When all you need is a breatherYou have made it to the end. Take a break from summer with KFC Zambia on Saturday, 21 December, a day to pause, refresh, and savour the start of holiday mode. Swing by KFC for a taste of summer and officially step into the holidays, recharged and ready. See you there!Discover KFC’s Summer Delights!KFC Summer Twisters: Summer Krushers: Summer Buckets:
