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HomeMiningFailure to timely re-open Kasenseli Gold Mine shocking

Failure to timely re-open Kasenseli Gold Mine shocking

Some stakeholders in the mining industry have called for a probe on the real reasons behind the continued failure to re-open Kasenseli Gold Mine – a promising gold mine that was seen as a beginning of Zambia stocking up of alternative gold reserves as well as diversification within the mining industry.

Zambia currently needs to fire up all its forex earning assets but it is shocking that a promising gold mine has now been shut for over a year with no definite timeline or sharing of concrete plans for its re-opening. This has aroused suspicion that some sections or individuals may be profiting from suspected illegal mining from the same site.

In a separate interview, the Mine Workers Union of Zambia – MUZ has called on Government to prioritize reopening of the gold mine that have been closed for some time now as they are key in the developing of the economy and contributing to job creation within the mining industry.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Zambian Business Times – ZBT, MUZ President Joseph Chewe said government needs to put in place serious intervention measures and see to it that the closed mines like Kasenseli gold mine among others are reopened in a shortest period of time.

Chewe said the country need liquidity, employment, business opportunities and household income for the people living in those areas and holding the mines closed is something that is affecting a lot of people in those particular areas and the country at large.

He said the trend of not re-opening the several mines [after they are shut] has the capacity to lower the country’s economic activities, hence the need for government to put short term measures on the mines.

Chewe said the bottlenecks that are hindering the re-opening of the mines need to be urgently worked on so that the country can begin to benefit. “The union is the advocate of employment and we want all the issues surrounding that mine to be resolved as soon as possible so that the country start benefiting as it is currently losing out.” He added.

Chewe said whatever the bottlenecks may be need to be sorted out urgently as they are hindering development of the country.

Government late last year in 2021 suspended operations at Mwinilunga’s Kasenseli Gold Mine due to what was termed as ‘contravening conditions of its mining and exploration license’ among other reasons. Mines and Minerals Development Minister Paul Kabuswe said all operations at the mine would remain suspended until his ministry was satisfied that conditions were safe.

It is now over one year and the mine remains closed, with no timelines publicly shared as to when the gold mine would re-open. The shut down of the mine has also resulted in the Bank of Zambia – BOZ resorting to buying gold from mainly First Quantum Minerals – FQM when initial plans shared also had Kasenseli gold mine purchases prominently included.